Hotel and resort
Office:-265,2nd floor,Exult Shoppers,Nr.Sidhhi
Vinayak Teinple,Vesu main road,
Vesu,Su rat,395007
- In this application and subsequent Agreement the following words shall have the meaning given in the Rules of Occupation of the Resort (a copy of Which has been made available to the Applicant) in respect thereof save where the context otherwise requires.
- The Applicants) acknowledge have reading and understanding the rules of
occupation of the resort and hereby agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations contended therein. The Package shall continue until the termination date of the
scheme or cancellation of Package in accordance with the relevant provisions of the rules of occupation.
situated at 265,2nd floor, Exult Shoppers,Nr.Sidhhi Vinayak Temple, Vesu main road, Vesu,Surat,395007
- MEMBERSHIP CARD: Upon the Applicant(s) completing all payments due under this agreement, Developer shall cause (within 30 days to be issued to the Applicant(s), a package card specifying the Applicant(s) timeshare occupancy rights and upon such card being issued the applicant shall thereby be admitted to Package of the Resort relating to the Apartment or type thereof.
- EXCHANGE: It is understood that all exchanges are to booked through RCI INDIA Pvt
Ltd. RCI membership will be available through by ARMANI HOTELS &
RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED on payment of exchanges fees. RCI is an independent
exchange organization allowing for a reciprocal holiday exchange program for
Members of the resort. Presently domestic exchange fee in RCI is 18,500/- per week and International Exchange fee is Rs 25,500/ per week. All representations set forth within the Brochures and literatures of the organization remain representations of that Organization neither the company & Managers will be under any liability in respect of the same. Use by the Member(s) of RCI’s exchange Program is voluntary The Company reserves the right to change affiliation with the exchange Company without the
Member’s approval but without incurring any liability, monetary or otherwise towards the Member. The RCI enrolment will be made available within 90 days from the date of receipt of the RCI enrolment fee by the Developer.
Application signature
Authorized signatory:
Hotel and Resort
Office-265.2nd Pour, Exult Shoppera,NrSldhhl
Vinayek Temple,Vesu main road,
6.ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: The Annual Service Fees stipulated in this agreement shall be payable, to the Company,for the following year in which the Applicant(s) shall be entitled to occupy the apartment as a Resort purchaser. The Annual Service Fees shall be Payable on demand and at such rate per annum as determined in accordance with the Rules of Occupation of the Resort. It can be revised from time to time at the sole discretion of the Developer Any every Purchaser has to pay from the first year of occupancy. AMC for
studio is INR 9,999/- and INR 13,999 /- for 1 BR Accommodation for 06 Nights / 07 Days every year
- RIGHT OF OCCUPATION: The Applicants) Ware entitled to a right of occupation in the apartment as Stipulated in the Particulars of Holiday Package Such right shall exist on a right to use basis and shall exist for the period as stipulated therein.
- RIGHT OF TRANSFER: The Applicants) besides having the right to use his/her/their
week(s), he/she/they may who sell, gift, or bequeath the weeks) to third party. with prior written intimation to -The Company” Neither the Developer nor the Marketer operates a guaranteed rental or resale service or packages
- OBLIGATION OF COMPANY: Subject to the prompt payment by the Applicant Of the maintenance payments, the Company hereby undertakes With the Applicant to observe and perform the obligations Imposed upon it. In case Maintenance is not paid for 03 years then this package stands cancelled without any prior information to Purchaser.
10 OBLIGATION OF COMPANY TOWARDS PURCHASER: The Obligations of Company shall arise/take place in respect of agreement between Marketer and Purchaser only on receipt of full amount Of consideration and not Otherwise.
- TERMINATION OF PURCHASER’S RIGHT: In the event of the Applicationis) / Purchaser
(s) failing to make any payment, due pursuant to this Agreement, the provisions of the rules and regulations of resort relating to terminating the Purchasers right to use the resort shall apply.
12 INTERPRETATION: This Purchase Agreement, its terms and conditions, purchaser(s)
acknowledgement, shall constitute the full agreement between the parties herein and the Purchasers) acknowledges that no Other document shall form a constituted part of this agreement for the purpose of enforcement and Interpretation Of this agreement.
- TAXES& LEVIES:Any present or future/levy/tax/duty/charge/fee imposed by State/Union
Government or LocaU public body or authority, (expect any levy in-its turnover/income/assets
payable by Company) on the Purchasers actual use of deemed/concomitant activities thereto, must be borne by the Purchaser or if paid by the company on his behalf, be reimbursed on demand
- EXIT OPTION: it is understood that this Agreement upon receipt of written notice (Without any
personal reason) Is cancelable at the option of either of the parties to this agreement within a period Of 7 days from date Of this Agreement upon the non-receipt of any such notice within the stipulated period, the parties agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement thereafter and the Developer shall not be entitled to refund any money that held by it.
- REFUND: It is understood that if the Agreement is cancelled as per clause 14 above by the
Applicant Is) the Company shall refund to the Applicants), the payments then held by the Company after deducting the administration fee of INR 15,000/- paid by the purchaser and cost of any night it used by the purchaser but Without any interest within 90 days from the date of cancellation
- MODIFICATION: – No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the Applicant / Purchaser and the Director of ARMANI HOTELS & RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED_ No over writing allowed on Agreement paper and it is not valid
- ARBITRATION AND JURISDICTION: It is agrees between the parties herein that in the event of any dispute, claims or differences arising under this agreement, the second party shall contact the central customer care team of Armani Hotel and resort atSurat. In the event the second party
reaches no resolution then the second party shall discuss the issue with the resolution cell of the first party. Thereafter if the parties fail to reach any resolution even after discussion with the
officers from the resolution cell, the second party may adjudicate the dispute by way of sole
arbitrator as per the provisions contained under law. The sole arbitrator shall be nominated by the first party and/or the authorized person of the first party alone. The place of arbitration shall be Surat only.
disputes arising out of the relation to the present agreement including for arbitration proceedings shall be subject to exclusive sole jurisdiction of the court. The definition of the courts includes
districts/state consumer forums also situated at Surat alone and now where else since the
agreement is entered between the parties at Surat for all material purpose and by the virtue of
present agreement the jurisdiction of the courts is excluded by the parties except for court situated in Surat alone. The second party is hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agreed the place of
jurisdiction for adopting any kind of legal recourse will be at Surat.
- The dates from 24th December to 5th January every year comes under blackout dates and we are not providing any bookings in this period.
- Food/Pickup/Drop/Sightseeing facility Can be done only on chargeable basis.
- SECOND PARTY hereby declares that particulars given above are true, correct and completely in order. If any transaction is delayed or not affected at all for the reason of incomplete or incorrect information, Applicantsishall not hold ARMANI HOTEL AND RESORT PVT.LTD.responsible for anyloss/damages/inconvenience caused due to the same.
- SECOND PARTY confirms the understanding that all bookings are subject to availability and booking of more than one room simultaneously is purely as per availability,
- SECOND PARTY confirms the understanding that a minimum of one-month prior intimation has to be provided for international holidays and only one unit as per eligibility will be provided for international vacations.
23 Members confirms that this agreement is accepted without any force and confirms that this agreement does not create any undue financial burden on him or on his
- I confirm and understand that no verbal promised are valid and developer does not take any responsibility for the same
- I have read all terms and conditions and accept all of them.
Purchaser’s Signatures:
Signed for and on behalf of the developer (ARMAN I HOTELS & RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED)
Authorized Signatory.
Authorized signatory: Authorized signatory
Hotel and Resort
Office:-265,2nd floor,Exult Shoppers,Nr.Sidhhi
Vinayak Temple,Vesu main road,
Office:- 265,2nd tloor,Exult Shoppers,Nr.Sidhhi Vinayak Temple,Vesu main Vesu,Surat,395007.
Sub: Information about Annual Maintenance Charges (A.M.C)
Dear Sir/ Madam,
This is to inform you that the holiday consultant of M/S
Ms bad informed me
about the Annual S Service Fee of the Packages. The AMC is
Rs 6,9991- for studio and Rs 9,999 /- for 1 BR INR per year for 06
Nights / 07 Days as per use (For adults and kids) for
With Thanks & Regards,
Signature of Member Name of Member: –
Place –
Agreement No.
This purchase agreement is made on the date specified by and between M/s ARMANI HOTELS & RESORT PRIVATE LIMITED, and its Corporate Office :- at 265,2nd floor,Exult Shoppers,Nr.Sidhhi Vinayak Temple,Vesu main road,
(Office): (Mobile):
Timeshare Membership Fee Rs
Administrative Fee Rs
Total Purchase Price Rs
Deposit Rs
Balance Due Rs
APARTMENT TYPE- STUDIO/Superior Deluxe Room (02 Adults & 02 kids or 03 Adults (Kids Age under 10 years)
1 BR/2Superior Deluxe Room ( 04 Adults and 2 kids under 10 years).
Extra bed charges are currently RS.1000/• per nights.
Alt Payment shalt be made in Favour of “ARMANI HOTELS &
RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED.” Against the Money Receipt issued by the company (The above payment cannot be varied either verbally or otherwise) and payment to any other them the
payee cited above does not discharge the purchaser(s) from the obligations outlined herein. Without money receipt this
agreement is not valid.
The purchaser (s) hereby agrees/agree by his/her/their
signature(s) below the bound by the terms & Conditions of the Timeshare Agreement & the purchaser(s) Declaration, this is subject only to the acceptance of this Agreement by the
Company. The purchaser(s) also agrees/agree to pay the
Maintance charge and the utility charge as applicable.
Signed by the purchaser (1)
Signed for and on behalf of the Company
Signature Name